These are devices that supposely protect us from E.M.F.s projected from our computers, cell phones, micro-wave ovens, hair dryers and other electrical appliances.
Do personal Electro-Magnetic Field protectors really work?
If these are the clip on kind that attach at the point where the cord exits the device, Yes. However, they are designed to protect other electronic devices from EMF interference, not us. We really don't need them for our protection.
Do personal Electro-Magnetic Field protectors really work?
P.T. Barnum was right.
And a butterfly's wings in Tokyo really will affect the weather in Bolivia.
Sorry to be flip, but the answer to your question is No. There are other, more powerful, forces at work around you that render such tiny considerations worthless.
Do personal Electro-Magnetic Field protectors really work?
yes maybe
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