Saturday, November 28, 2009

Anyone have any good ideas for fun pranks for work, college dorms, camp? Always looking for more ide

My favorite one is baby powdering a dorm room. Put a whole bottle of baby powder under a person's dorm room door, then use a hair dryer to blow it into the air. When the person comes back, everything is covered in baby's amazing. Also fill up a trash back in a garbage can with water, then tie it up...then drop from a 2nd or 3rd floor's the biggest water balloon ever! Water goes everywhere!

Anyone have any good ideas for fun pranks for work, college dorms, camp? Always looking for more ideas!?

Hey cowboy: How about ride a horse down the street while your naked telling everyone Broke-back Mountain is your life story. That would be pretty funny.

Anyone have any good ideas for fun pranks for work, college dorms, camp? Always looking for more ideas!?

put itching powder on tha toilet paper so they have a itchy butt

Anyone have any good ideas for fun pranks for work, college dorms, camp? Always looking for more ideas!?

For work:

Change a few of the keys on the keyboard around and go to control panel and go to mouse change the motion, speed, configuration and buttons.. its funny to watch them get frustrated esp when they are trying to log on the comp and they keep getting locked out.

My co worker and i did this to our boss one time.. we sat there and laughed watching him struggle and get mad.. good times :)

(this is only good if you have a good work relationship with fellow co-workers who can take a joke)

Anyone have any good ideas for fun pranks for work, college dorms, camp? Always looking for more ideas!?

We had a co-worker who wouldn't turn his annoying cell phone ring down so when he was at a meeting we hid the phone in the ceiling tiles in his office. When he got back from his meeting, we all took turns calling his phone and enjoyed watching him try to find it!

Anyone have any good ideas for fun pranks for work, college dorms, camp? Always looking for more ideas!?

If your campus has a fountain outside, you could food coloring or laundry detergent in it

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