Saturday, November 28, 2009

What kind of wax do I have to use for candle-making in a metal mold?

I've used parrifin wax but the result of the candle that comes out is bad. I've had to get the candle out with a hair dryer a few times and it is a mess. Please help.

What kind of wax do I have to use for candle-making in a metal mold?

I have been making candles for 8 years. The first thing to try- when it wont come out of the mold is to cool it. Put it in the fridge for 15-30 minutes or the Freezer for 10 minutes. Do not leave it in the freezer for longer-or it will crack. The wax shrinks when it is cooler and can be removed easier. A silicone spray made for candle making is best but PAM will work. ALSO...heating your molds before you pour into them, helps them as well. Put them on a cookie sheet in a warm oven-not hotter than 175 degrees for 5 minutes. Be sure to use an oven mitt to take out and I remember that your molds will be very hot. Enjoy making your candles...its a blast!!

What kind of wax do I have to use for candle-making in a metal mold?

I've used Crisco (the solid shortning kind), you could probably use Pam or other cooking spray in the mold- sounds like you need a little lube to get the candles back out.

What kind of wax do I have to use for candle-making in a metal mold?

You need to use a mold release even if you are using a plastic mold.

Pam is okay but the craft ftore sells a silicone mold release spray, too.

Also, when you have the "mess ups" you can sink the candle in a pot of warm water.

But if you damage the candle on the release, melt it and do over.

What kind of wax do I have to use for candle-making in a metal mold?

I saw a guest use ARMERAL (sp?) on a mold on HGTV. You can find it at the grocery store in the automotive section or at an automotive store.


What kind of wax do I have to use for candle-making in a metal mold?

There are a couple of websites here that you may find very helpful:

The next page has various kind of candle waxes:

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